The Five C’s of a Lasting Marriage
September 22, 2024
Welcome all to the love and grace of Jesus! Cornerstone United Methodist is excited to have you in worship with us today for our 10:30 blended service. Today, we start off our music with a hymn “For the Beauty of the Earth” UMH 829. The Chancel choir brings “The Prayer” as the Anthem. Our Praise team leads us with “Goodness of God” and finishes the service with “Promises”. As we move into our message, the scripture spoken today will be from Ephesians chapter 5 verses 21-33. Our message will be presented by Rev. Dr. Brian Germano and is the third in the series “The Christian Family” titled “The Five C’s of a Lasting Marriage”. Thank you for being part of our blended service today and every week!
Cornerstone UMC: Reflecting the love of Jesus by Nurturing, Connecting, and Impacting.
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