Detours for the New Year
January 5, 2025
Welcome all to the love and grace of Jesus on Epiphany! Cornerstone United Methodist is excited to have you in worship with us today for our 10:30 blended service. Today, we start off with our choir leading us with “He is Born” and “Go Tell It on the Mountain”. Our Chancel choir will continue with a glorious anthem of “Good Christian Friends, Rejoice!”. Following a prayer, our praise band leads us during our offering with “Glory in the Highest” and finishes the service with “Grace of God With Us”. Our message today comes from the Gospel of Matthew, chapter 2 verses 1-12. Our message will be presented by Rev. Dr. Brian Germano and is titled “Detours for the New Year” where we look at the way that accepting Jesus re-routes our lives. We will also be celebrating and reaffirming our baptisms and celebrating our first Holy Communion of 2025.
Thank you for being part of our blended service today and every week! Join us and celebrate communion by knowing:
● All are Welcome… Because Jesus welcomed all, we United Methodists celebrate an “open table” that welcomes all persons (including children) to Holy Communion
● Use whatever bread and juice you have available… While grape juice and gluten free bread is used in our Sanctuary, you are welcome to use whatever type of bread and juice you have on hand to celebrate this Sacrament with us in your worship space
● Share the elements when you see that happening online… If you are with others, then offer the bread to them saying “the body of Jesus, given for you” and offer the juice saying, “the blood of Jesus, shed for you”
● Prayer… if you would like prayer, please email or call the church office and we’ll be happy to set up at time for the Pastor or staff to pray with you. Or you can simply email your request and it will be prayed for
● Tonight’s Special Communion Offering goes towards supporting our Compassionate Care Fund … give online at www.cornerstonenewnan.org/giving and choose “Communion Offering” in the menu.
Cornerstone UMC: Reflecting the love of Jesus by Nurturing, Connecting and Impacting
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